December 2nd, 2011

Inviting friend to greenzoner society is a very good way to gain EEP. For one invitation sent to a person who want to play with us you gain:
– 20 EEP, if you have Free Account;
– 22 EEP, if you have Grass Account;
– 25 EEP, if you have Tree Account;
– 30 EEP, if you have Sky Account;
– 40 EEP, if you have Space Acount!

We know that many people just want to be one of us – Greenzoners – people who care about the Earth, whose commitment allows them to play for great prizes. Especially now, when Redemption Day is closer and “R” Days will be more often. We help them to join us by giving you free invitations:) Gain EEP faster by helping them!

Anyone who will have less than 5 invitations and will log in every day for 3 days starting from now – will get 5 invitations. Anyone who will log in every day for 5 days – will get 10 invitations!
If you have more than 5 unused invitations till Monday, you can’t use this promotion. BUT If you have to many invitations, you can use them today, tommorow, Monday morning, and gain a lot of EEP!

10 invited persons mean 200 EEP for Free Account, 220 EEP for Grass Account, 250 EEP for Tree Account, 300 EEP for Sky Account adn 400 EPP for Space Account!

More EEP mean more valuable prizes 🙂

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23 Responses to “FREE INVITATIONS”

  1. auto_duc says:

    let’s go !

  2. Alonsotwm says:

    wuaooooooooo que chido

  3. Timka says:

    wow Thanks a lot 🙂

  4. Megabass says:

    i don’t invite anyone yet, i wait, that you give one prize so you look then legit to me.
    after that, +100 members in one day. think about that!

  5. hibara says:

    This is impossible

  6. Morbius says:

    Because this is not possible to make weather forecasts, the button does not work …

  7. bocht says:

    greenzoner i have one question plz answer me why i didnt get the eep from puting like on facebook and following on twitter rignt now i didnt get any poing what this ???????

  8. godasky says:

    Thanks a lot >>>> let’s go play 🙂

  9. mario says:

    invite plz

  10. yusak88 says:


  11. Morbius says:

    Vou escrever em portugues porque não me responderam das outras vezes, pq o botão da previsão do tempo não funciona? espero uma resposta…obrigado!

  12. yusak88 says:

    thanks for “delete” option 😀

  13. saad says:

    can some one tell me in post code section whether we have to write our country post code or city post code plz plz someone tell me????

  14. santaklose says:

    i need the new envitations =) please takme a invitations

  15. RichKidJr says:

    give me an invite plz email=

  16. Jesuslongar says:

    need sending invitation, please!!

  17. Jesuslongar says:

    need sending invitation, please!!

  18. gusgom says:

    if you want some invitations to join greenzoner send me an email,

    si deseas una invitacion para registrarte enviame un mensaje a

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