New solar-powered bicycle

May 5th, 2012

Dear Greenzoners! Judging by the most of the answers to the last question, most of you prefer bicycle as a non-polluting mean of transport. 🙂 But have you heard about the newest project of ecologic bicycle?
This bicycle is powered by solar energy, so when you are too tired to keep on pedalling, you just use the battery. That lets you travel long distances without using a car.
The bike itself can be folded – so it is easy to keep in a small area or to move it somewhere else. 🙂

For now these are just projects, but there is a plan to make a zone in Central London, where only bikes will be permitted as the means of transports. There are also going to be places when you can rent or buy this kind of bike.

Found on

We find this idea really amazing.  🙂 And what do you think, Greenzoners? Will it replace cars and other traditional, yet pollutive ways of transportation?

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6 Responses to “New solar-powered bicycle”

  1. loshvitalik says:

    No I dont think that this will replace cars in the next 5 years because of the… urban DUST. Yes you will agree with me that you don’t want to be very dirty after your just office work.

  2. Max says:

    nah, I don’t think it can replace cars, people are lazy beings, some people think that it’s better to poluate nature instead of moving their asses a bit =.=

  3. Max says:

    And I’m not sure that it will be available worldwide, especially here in Moldova, where live practically only old farts and problematic teenagers who’ll never ever think about replacing a car.

  4. nicolas says:


  5. ToTaJIuCT says:

    Good idea!

  6. Ariel says:

    Una bicicleta ecologica, me gusta, me sorprende como avanza la tecnologia!

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