Posts Tagged ‘cancer’

Options for fight with cancer

December 21st, 2015

Hi all! Every year the cancer defeats million of people worldwide of different ages. This cancer is a very difficult opponent, but everything will depend on the lifestyle, as well as the course of treatment. Cancer is a sudden development of cells and can have a different causes, however it is worthwhile taking into account the lifestyle, as well as the ways of lower the risk of having this illness. If cancer earlier will be detected great odds that he will be imitated exist to defeat. However not always it is possible and it is necessary to remember about it. Helpful regular appointments at the doctor’s, as well as additional tests can be.



EcoNews from Mexico!

Popocatepetl is a volcano located in Mexico, near the city Pueblo. Because of intensified gas emission of Popocatepetl, airport in Pueblo had to be closed for one more time during few days. (more…)