Posts Tagged ‘colour’

GzPhoto Contest finished!

December 29th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners! Thanks to everyone who participated in GzPhoto Contest – we had lot of fun watching all these great pictures and we hope you had as well.
Also, thanks for voting!

The winner is… Romici! And he won an iPod Shuffle and his picture on our timeline. 🙂 Congratulations!

Winning picture by Romici - GZ Photo

Second and place belongs to Olecika, who gets Greenzoner t-shirt!

GzPhoto picture - 2nd place
…and the on the third place there is Ssman who gets Greenzoner t-shirt!

Also, the users who voted the most will receive t-shirts as well. The most active voter among them is Alexinfernal, who voted 166 times! Wow! 😀

GzPhoto 3rd place

Thank you very much for taking part, and see you in next contest!

Keep green!

The ending of GzPhoto contest!

December 11th, 2012

Hi Greenzoners! You are probably getting a little anxious and unpatient about the ending of gzPhoto Contest and can’t wait to get iPods and T-shirts. 😉

iPod (more…)

Finally (it took some time for such a small contest 😉 ) we finished Weather Guessing Contest. The winner is Eyef, who guessed the country with the highest temperature (which was Puerto Rico) and he will be granted with 3 additional invitations. 🙂

Congratulations and thanks to everyone who took part, also we encourage you to wait for other little contests, that soon will be launched. 🙂