Your GZ blog is the best in your country? It is possible in near future! Read it.

July 1st, 2010

In several gzDays blog competition will start! To take part you shoud put on your blog special HTML code (click here, to obtain HTML code). This CODE will help us to identify that this blog is taking part in blog competition.

It would look on your webpage in this way:

If above HTML code do not work in your case, put this CODE instead of it:

<a href="">GreenZoner: take free gifts and make world greener</a>

When competition start, gzBloggers and GreenZoners will get additional EEP and invitations!

Good luck!

Pit 🙂

252 Responses to “Your GZ blog is the best in your country? It is possible in near future! Read it.”

  1. Arturs says:

    klik = Click
    gzBoggers = gzBloggers many spelling mistatkes ^^

  2. AndyM says:

    How do you know who gzUser belongs that blog?
    That link should necessarily be put on the blog, or go and forums?

  3. Trevor says:

    Does anyone know how i can start a blog and get this to work? Some instructions or a tutorial video on youtube would be quite good. Also, will there be any EEP and/or invites rewarded for the best blog, and what sort of things need to be included in the blog (Topics etc). Cheers to anyone who answers one of these questions.

    • Stanislav says:

      Hi Trevor! you ca try for example free blog engines like or same as from Google which is very easy to work with, especially if you are a beginner 😉

  4. marcostagni says:

    Sure, i partecipate! My blog is the best one, in Italy..

  5. alday says:

    Vou criar um Blog pro Brasil galera!

    Em Breve posto aki 😉

  6. GoldJusa says:

    awsome..done it! I already add the HTML code
    from Argentina!
    best luck for all!!!

  7. henryKI11 says:

    where i need to put the code if i am using

  8. Eyf says:

    nice. My blog contributes to the competition

  9. henryKI11 says:

    where i need to put the code if i am using i dont uderstand

  10. Jla75 says:

    Yo ya lo he insertado en mi web. A ver que os parece.

  11. Stanich says:

    Place, where i host my blog don’t support HTML. What should i do?

  12. Cool!
    It is enough to place HTML code once in a blog, or to insert the given code into each message?

  13. AngeloApple says:

    I pasted the code on my blog on the homepage …
    my blog is “”!

  14. William says:

    ” gzBloggers and GreenZoners will get additional EEP and invitations!”
    by greenzoners you mean everyone, even if theyre not taking part of any blogs?

  15. Andruk says:

    Jut did it! It’s cool 😀

  16. Rexy says:

    I’m beginner but I’ve add some even useful information about GZ. owell,
    Here’s my bog

  17. Rodrigo says:

    YEah.. Yeah!!

    Can I put the phrase “take free gifts and make world greener” in the language of my blog?

    Seja Bem Vindo ao seu Lar Verde em português

  18. Kevin says:

    Hi my name is kevin i from Peru

    my blog is .. save green, news, picks and more. 100% nature 😀

  19. nonax says:

    Aqui tengo el mejor blog en México, hecho por mi y hablado en idioma Español Latino 100 por ciento traducido por mi y hablado al natural sin usar ningun traductor, con modismos y toda la cosa!! jeje:
    Here’s the better mexican blog!! 100% mexican!

  20. nonax says:

    Yo tengo el mejor Blog de México!!

  21. joseraul says:

    muy bueno el blog

  22. Cesar_skins says:
    El mejor blog de GreenZoner en Venezuela

  23. jesu124 says:

    the best blog / forum GreenZoner peru :

  24. kliksoni says:

    I like greenzoner … from indonesia

  25. luis says:

    When competition start, gzBloggers and GreenZoners will get additional EEP and invitations!

    Good luck!

  26. Stirbu Dragos says:
    Translate in romanian

  27. Aluki says:

    The best forum for all the GreenZoner members:

    Te damos la bienvenida al mejor forum para todos los usuarios de Greenzoner:

  28. djextra74 says:

    Visit Graphic74 Desing,Greenzoner invit, and save the planet visit thank you greenzoner cool and good luck for all’s

  29. IK'u says:

    Finally…blog competition 🙂 My Polish blog –

    Zapraszam na polski blog –

  30. franco says:

    Stop spam please! lets go!

  31. Rodrigo says:

    why my comments now require approval.

    And never be approved?

    Before it was not so .. ;-(

  32. Cesar_skins says:

    el mejor blog de venezuela

  33. yo participo aunque mi blog no es específicamente de greenzoner XD.

  34. vanessa says:

    algun blog bueno?

  35. Maurizio says:

    This is mine and the first of Italy..created just now 😀

  36. Niagoz says:

    Este es el mejor blog/foro de gz solo den clic en mi nombre :3

  37. Aluki says:

    ¿Eres hispano hablante? Haz clic en el nombre de mi usuario y entraras al foro para Hispano hablantes, con toda la información sobre GreenZoner necesaria, e-mails para que invites a gente a greenzoner. Y muchos privilegios mas!

    A que esperas haz clic en mi nombre de usuario o entra aqui:

  38. Evelynrst says:

    No… we don’t have

  39. Rexy says:

    Guys Can anyone see my reply? I think i’m having some porblems, please reply to this comment if u guys see this comment. Thank you~

  40. divinolima says:

    Este é meu blog…

  41. Won Jin Um says:

    Hey why don’t you guys approve my blog site? I live on Guam and come on let me join this contest.

  42. djextra74 says:

    Saludos a todos entren en graphic74 blogspot saludos desde mexico y bien por greenzoner saludos.

  43. Cesar_skins says:
    el mejor de VENEZUELA

  44. olbert says:

    when i click on prize i see nothing but the ps3?.. what if i don’t want the ps3 ( which i don’t )

  45. Iyung says:

    Go go go green…

  46. Luka says:

    evo i moj mali doprinos za hrvatsku :):)

  47. Patricia says:

    alguien me explica como va la pagina, que me llego una invitacion y no se como va gracias

  48. GoldJusa says:

    bueno, colegas… yo ya habia agregado un par de sus blogs en mi lista de otros blogs de greenzoner… si se me paso alguno.. dejemne algun comentario con el enlace!!!

  49. Aluki says:

    My blog, for the blog competition:

    Todas las noticias actualizadas y traducidas al 100% en Español

    All the news updated and translated into Spanish:

  50. olbert says:

    how can i translate i can translate into creole 😀

  51. Goldgreen says:

    jeje bn amigos no e visto mucha gente y creo q soy uno de los primeros Colombianos y ps me complace decir q colaboro con esta causa y mi pagina Web ya tiene el sello de Greenzoner
    esta para los q quieran verla

  52. jesu124 says:

    The best forum for all the GreenZoner members:

    Mucho mas que un foro

    encontraras entretenimiento

  53. chemingo1983 says:

    pos no muy le entiendo a esto pero voy a esforzarme para traducirlo

  54. Marky says:

    the best beginner’s blog in the PHILIPPINES!

  55. Cesar_skins says:

    Mi blog de greenzoner en español Venezuela

  56. pedro4 says:

    My blog, for the blog competition:

    Todas las noticias actualizadas y traducidas al 100% en Español

    All the news updated and translated into Spanish:

  57. de_facto says:

    Zgłaszam swojego 😉

    My blog in polish:

  58. Iago says:

    hey, here it is o/

    ae galera do brasil X)

  59. Zona Musisi says:

    hello. . .
    can you tell me, how can I join without invinitation??

  60. Mario says:

    Translate in Italian Please

  61. Jo says:

    My greenzoner blog in Bahasa Indonesia:

  62. Matusin says:

    muy bueno

  63. Nacho says:

    Para Todos los Latinoamericanos

    Aca tienen su blogg

  64. Nacho says:

    Para Todos los Latinoamericanos

    Aca tienen su blogg v

  65. Anthony says:

    From America, so what do I do now, wait?

  66. Anthony says:

    So what do I do know, wait?

  67. Grazina says:

    ” gzBloggers and GreenZoners will get additional EEP and invitations!”
    by greenzoners you mean everyone, even if theyre not taking part of any blogs?

  68. Alpha says:
    Here is my one. It is about GreenZoner in Russian language. I hope you’ll like it =)

  69. Ken says:

    How do you guys redeem stuff? I went past 1,000 points….does that mean I can’t redeem? Why aren’t they answering my emails?! I’m starting to think this is a scam because I got 1,034 points and nothing to show for it! 🙁

  70. Gaston says:

    ecological people!

  71. Nacho says:

    Sos Latino?

    No te podes perder de entrar a este blog recibirás la información en primicia seras el primero de enterarte de todo traducido perfectamente …

    Obtendrás las invitación para tu y tus amigos al instante la mejor estética y el mejor habiente hacen de este el mejor blog para vos

  72. Jo says:

    check this out guys:
    coba lihat yang ini dong

  73. dady says:

    is the best web in the world

  74. arab says:

    GreenZone is a site that just opened e s there are several gift xbox, ps3, wii, macbook, ipod, iphone, IPAD and …… many other things

    this is the greenzoner fan page on the facebook
    >> GreenZone is a site that just opened e s there are several gift xbox, ps3, wii, macbook, ipod, iphone, IPAD and …… many other things

  75. anthony says:

    my blog in french not compelety finshed J’ai trouvé ce site froide, appelée greenzoner libre de ses choix à l’exception de ses lokerz refroidisseur J’espère que vous aimez ça me h pour une invitation mon email est

  76. Manuel says:

    Yo tengo el mejor blog the mexico!

  77. Jason says:

    I’m participating in this! my blog is:

  78. Justin says:

    Woot! first Greenzoner contest

    Website =

    Good luck!

  79. kyle says:

    i need a greenzoner invite please!


  80. Reksi says:

    Can anyone see my comment? D:

  81. Esteban says:

    Una pregunta.. despues que llego a los 1000 EEP

    como hago para canjear mi premio?

    un saludo

  82. adrian says:

    creo tendre que hacerme mi blog para esto xD

  83. fabiokiddo says:

    great idea!

  84. elysium says:

    hola!!!! somos pocos pero de a poco vamos haciendo esta famila verde mas grande!!
    hoy he comenzado mi blog
    ahi estaremos todos al tanto de las noticias de Greenzoner y lo mejor de todo en español ^^
    saludos cordiales a todos!!

  85. Ella says:

    Hey everyone,
    Just made a GreenZoner blog today, check it out:

  86. eZp says:

    My blog in Lithuanian:
    It’s best in lithuania, i’ll add more info on it soon 😀

  87. Curtis M says:

    I would love to take part but sadly I do not have a blog! 🙁

  88. Sebastian says:

    My German GreenzonersBlog for the competition:


    Mein Deutscher Greenzonersblog für den Wettbewerb:

  89. beka says:

    my gzBlogs in Russia

  90. Robert says:

    Asta e cel mai bun site al nostru 🙂
    Our best Blog , from Romania 🙂

  91. leon says:

    The first site in The Netherlands!
    Is in Dutch

  92. özgür says:

    nice. My blog contributes to the competition

  93. Tacoheros says:

    Fellow GZ Members, why have a blog with one language? If you can have almost of them! This is an International website in development, currently that has Francais! Now french viewers can join along in the GZ fun! But very soon the site will get even better with increased and even more increased languages until the whole world can be green and get free prizes! I mean seriously, who doesnt like free prizes and helping the planet? Its awesome, and now the world can help to!

    Les francais, Voissi ton Blog 🙂

    Check it today :_ –>

  94. divion says:

    I’ve started today hope to do a god job in Italian, dunno if I have to start from the first first blog or from now…help me..

  95. Avin says:

    avbluestar14 is my nickname

    my blog is:

  96. david says:

    hey, does greenzoner ship for free?

  97. michal says:

    mam pytanie kiedy licznik dobija 0? i czy trzeba się zarejestrować do udziału w walce o ps3? i kiedy traci się te 100eep? :>

    • michal says:

      I have a question when the timer Shoot 0? and whether you need to register to participate in the struggle for ps3? and when you lose those 100eep? :>

  98. Mauro92 says:

    Blog de Colombia para Colombia

  99. bobi hariadi says:

    somebody help me…!!!
    i need your help, how to activated the translations to get bigger EEP…?
    please sent the way to my email.

    thanks before… 🙂

    let’s we save our earth and Go Green…

  100. leon says:

    The first site in The Netherlands.
    Is in Dutch

  101. Baghi89 says:

    my italian blog is

    and it will be the best!


  102. IK'u says:

    Here is my Polish Blog 🙂
    To mój polski blog 🙂

  103. ducquang009 says:

    I do not have a web page

  104. justin says:

    make the world greener ppl

  105. Tacoheros says:

    A website, that has all languages translated for the most popular languages used in North America. Including German, English, French, Spanish, And Italian.

    Now the whole world gets greener.

  106. Tacoheros says:

    My blog is unique and one of a kind, why you ask?
    Because it doesnt include one language, it includes tons of languages, so no matter what country or which language you speak, you can come on this website, which includes, German, French,Italian,English and they keep adding 🙂
    Check the awesome blog –> http://www.GreenZonerInternational.TK
    Now, you dont have to find a blog, its all in one,
    and the whole world can be green now…

  107. Mourad212 says:

    i have collected 1000 EEP, and i am still waiting my gift
    what i should to do ??

    Please tell me..

  108. elysium says:

    mi blog dedicado a greenzoner

    saludos cordiales 🙂

  109. 4xample says:

    I have translated your blog into a German blog 🙂
    Now the url:

  110. Akzhol says:

    I can do the Russian blog… but I don’t know how to create a website…can you tell me?

  111. Esteban says:

    yeeaaaaa, ya puse el enlace.. espero ganarme algo por la publicidad , mi sitio tiene mas de 2000 visitas por dia ¬¬


  112. Alexandar Harlov says:

    Hi guys. Here is my Bulgarian – English blog of GreenZoner. Hope you like it.
    Ето моят блог посветен на GreenZoner

  113. iamal says:

    marilah kita hijau kan bumi kita.. ^_^

  114. Hola a todos, este es mi blog en español de Latinoamerica =)

    This is my blog in Latin Spanish


  115. ali says:

    I need to work more but I’m almost hapy of results.

  116. ali says:

    I need to work more but I’m almost hapy of results.

  117. Tacoheros says:

    What are supposed to do when translating? I Mean I made a website, with like 6 languages of Greenzoner, I mean is that bad? I translared some with programs, but I made some translations myself since I know french, What are we supposed to exactly do? Please someone explain!

    • 4xample says:

      But everybody see it that you’ve used the Google translated!
      The records do not give a meaning.
      I could add with the Google translated 24 or more languages!
      But that would not help because you would not understand most of the records then.

  118. Wendy says:

    This is very difficult

  119. Tacoheros says:

    Sorry for the Multiple post.
    But My old website I have removed.
    and My new website qualifies for the contest, Its a french version of Greenzoner so come take a look at the most awesomess Blog, (atleast for french) XD


  120. Jaja says:

    I’m still working on it and adding some other spoofs in the site so it would be more interactive.

    I’ll be adding more content and language so it would be understandable for all.


  121. eduardo says:

    eu ainda só novo nesse site

  122. eduardo says:

    ainda sou novo no site

  123. James says:

    Nous sommes heureux que vous ayez décidé de rejoindre la communauté GreenZoner.
    GreenZoner est un projet novateur internationale axée sur l’éco-. En participant au projet en cours, vous serez en mesure de recevoir des prix!
    Lancement des projets nécessite l’aide d’un grand groupe d’internautes actifs dispersés dans le monde. Par conséquent, la première tâche qui vous rapproche de prix est de construire la communauté GreenZoner. Chaque fois que vous inviter de nouveaux utilisateurs, vous recevez EEP, qui vous rapproche de la prix!
    Le plus tôt vous commencez à accumuler des points, plus vite vous serez en mesure de recueillir les dons!
    La dernière fois niagoz utilisateur, en provenance du Mexique a remporté Sony Playstation 3!
    En GreenZoner, c’est non seulement le prix qui importe, mais aussi ce que vous faites. Chaque lot gagné équivaut à un arbre planté près GreenZoner. Ainsi, le plaisir de participer à un projet international important et remportent des prix est complétée par la satisfaction de rendre le monde plus vert.
    Meilleurs voeux,

    L’équipe de Zoner vert

    That’s French 🙂

  124. Javino says:

    Hey, What’s Happen with spanish?¿… Some people want spanish, it’s one of most important languages…

  125. RobertBmb says:

    English and Romanian Blog

    Sper sa va placa 😉

  126. Rampradios says:

    My Indonesian web blog

  127. konochan09 says:

    Hello, I have got 1000 eep but I don’t a prizes !!

    The website want that arrived at 5000 eep now

  128. Reksi says:

    A great blog for indonesians
    ~ Made by me

  129. MANOLO91 says:


  130. Pasliew says:

    ahahah =)

  131. Tung says:

    How to Active Translations ?

  132. marv656 says:

    as points or EEP cosigo on this page. q I have only invite friends or there is nothing but another form porq most active because it comes as no.
    someone explain to me

  133. euridice says:

    And what do we have to do here?? I’m a new member and I’m a bit lost

  134. John says:

    I need help. I lost like 65 EEP, and I have no idea what happened.

  135. max says:

    My blog rock’s =))

    P.S. it’s not finished 🙂

  136. JOSE says:


  137. Oru says:

    Mmm yo como que todavia no le estoy encontrando algo a esto..pero espero pronto le encuentre y sepa muy bien el teje y maneje!!!

  138. qivenlee says:

    can you invite me guys?
    so i can join with this cool website..
    thanks alot..
    i really want to join..
    i will wait for your invitation guys..gbu

  139. brian says:

    hey u guys.
    how do u get prizes 1nce u get 1000 eep?

  140. Javitus says:

    Ojala me gane la PS3!!

  141. oglok says:

    yeah, Moldova republic blog in romanian =))

  142. maxim says:

    может кто по русски объяснить что тут к чему, а то мой инглишьгугл плох)

  143. Jorge Mario says:

    yes sir

  144. aztahuacan says:


  145. Tacoheros says:

    Ignore my other post.
    am I doing this right?

  146. STML says:

    welcome to GZ vietnam 😀
    It is so simple but in the next time, I’ll try to make it more and more helpful 😀

  147. OFFICIAL Spain BLOG ——-> <——–

  148. daniel says:

    I have added it in my blog and forum dedicated on greenzoner! 🙂

  149. daniel says:

    P.s. i Translate all yours news in italian (my language) 🙂

  150. Sebastian says:

    Blog en español visiten actualizado rapidamente con los nuevos post del blog de

    Los espero 🙂

  151. tolunay42 says:

    my gzBlog in Turkish:

  152. Maximilian says:

    Best official Moldavian BLOG!

    ENJOY 🙂

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