gzMovie Award Ceremony takes place today in gzWorld! Watch the videos submitted by GreenZoners and have fun!

June 16th, 2010

Movie awards!

…and the winners of movie contest in category of
“The Best gzMovie in Country” are:

  • Niagoz, film youtube – 500 EEP – congratulations!
  • Franco, film youtube – 500 EEP – congratulations!
  • Charlie, film youtube – 500 EEP – congratulations!
  • David, film youtube – 500 EEP – congratulations!

Winners! If you want to thank to someone, write a message using contact form, we will publish it here 🙂

… and congratulations for all who have submitted movies to us. All of you will get 60 EEP.

Awards will be given out in 24 gzHours.

Thank you all for participation!

Luk, who has shared his energy! Thanks!

32 Responses to “gzMovie Award Ceremony takes place today in gzWorld! Watch the videos submitted by GreenZoners and have fun!”

  1. Niagoz says:

    WUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! 🙂 im so happy thank you green zoner

  2. David says:

    Me too! I thought it will be much harder to win ;]

  3. Darko says:

    nice videos

  4. LinoOdahir says:

    Congratulations 😀

  5. Arturs says:

    Sad I was to late to submite my vid haha
    Well Congratz to everyone 🙂

  6. Arthur says:

    Отличные видео получились!!! Поздравляю всех!

  7. Dragos says:

    how contact greenzoner?plzz help!!

  8. jaime says:


  9. Никита says:

    Молодцы! Видео очень понравилось =)

  10. Ion says:

    So I will obtain 60 EEP?

  11. Ion says:

    Congratulations to all who win in this contest!

  12. Sebastian says:

    woooooooooo que beno q hgan estas paginas para mejorar el mundo

  13. Arthur says:

    Niagoz congrats with PS3!!!!!!!

  14. Nonax says:

    I Have a Video To Show You!

  15. taggeral7oob says:

    nice videos >>>.<<<

  16. Rodrigo says:

    yes nicee

  17. julius says:

    Please.give us more invitations. I have only 702 EEP. my friends does’t get mare friens so it’s no imposible to get 1000 EEP.

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