Posts Tagged ‘europe’

Hello Greenzoners! 😀

Thanks to anyone who submitted his/her photos to our GzPhoto Contest II! We are happy that there are so many of you who want to fight for free gifts. 🙂

But unfortunately, among the pictures you sent us, there are pictures that can’t be accepted to the contest. That’s because they are not related to the topic.
We remind you that the topic is “ECOLOGY AROUND US“. What does it mean? It’s for you to interpret, but still – it has to do something with ecology (ecological actions, ecological problems) in your local areas.
Here are the examples of acceptable and unacceptable photos sent by users. 😉


Hello Greenzoners!
If you want to join GzPhoto Contest 2, you don’t have to send us an e-mail!

nexus (more…)

Introducing GzPhoto Contest 2!

January 12th, 2013


How did you like GzPhoto contest? We hope that you are satisfied, because we are planning to start the second edition!

The topic for a next stage is: ECOLOGY AROUND US.

It could be, for example, pictures of some ecology actions taken in your areas, some newly-built eco-friendly facilities, and so on!
Remember, that you and your imagination are the limits. 🙂


GzPhoto Contest finished!

December 29th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners! Thanks to everyone who participated in GzPhoto Contest – we had lot of fun watching all these great pictures and we hope you had as well.
Also, thanks for voting!

The winner is… Romici! And he won an iPod Shuffle and his picture on our timeline. 🙂 Congratulations!

Winning picture by Romici - GZ Photo

Second and place belongs to Olecika, who gets Greenzoner t-shirt!

GzPhoto picture - 2nd place
…and the on the third place there is Ssman who gets Greenzoner t-shirt!

Also, the users who voted the most will receive t-shirts as well. The most active voter among them is Alexinfernal, who voted 166 times! Wow! 😀

GzPhoto 3rd place

Thank you very much for taking part, and see you in next contest!

Keep green!

GzPhoto winner announcement

December 29th, 2012

Greenzoners, this evening we are announcing the winners of GzPhoto! Get your last chance to vote!

Also, for those, who don’t have an account – Christmas tree is still hidden somewhere on our website 🙂


Few more days of gzPhoto Contest

December 18th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners!
These the last days of gzPhoto Voting! So don’t forget to give your last votes!


The contest will end on gzDay 935 and the prizes will be given!
Voting here
Go and vote! 🙂

The ending of GzPhoto contest!

December 11th, 2012

Hi Greenzoners! You are probably getting a little anxious and unpatient about the ending of gzPhoto Contest and can’t wait to get iPods and T-shirts. 😉

iPod (more…)

New contests and prizes ahead!

November 28th, 2012

Hi Greenzoners! We’re glad that you are voting and submitting your pictures for gzPhoto Contest. Also, thanks to everyone who took part in latest Invitations Giveaway! 🙂
But this is not over – we are moving forward, so stay tuned for another contests that will be launched in a short time. New contest means new prizes, so keep on your toes, and keep green! 😀