GreenZoner vs. ACTA

January 24th, 2012

Dear users, GreenZoner asks for your help!

Throughout all the internet there were protests against new agreement called ACTA, purpose of which is to stop internet piracy, by controlling the flow of free information and spying on all internet users.

Google, Wikipedia and Reddit already reacted – now it’s our turn to act against this document, that was discussed and taken into governmental consideration behind our back.

In the name of free speech, get involved and sign the petition – .

Also, learn more about ACTA and how to act against it.

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7 Responses to “GreenZoner vs. ACTA”

  1. Max says:

    isn’t it the same SOPA? or it’s something new?

    • admin says:

      It’s a bill similar to SOPA, and PIPA.

    • Max says:

      gz, sorry if i’m wrong, but I found suspicious that you didn’t post anything about SOPA and PIPA what was known in the whole world, and you wrote a post about ACTA, about what I heard for the first time…

    • admin says:

      We are sorry for that generalisation, of course we encourage you to protest against SOPA and PIPA as well. We mentioned about ACTA because as far as we know, SOPA and PIPA got taken aback and postponed, while ACTA is still going to be ratified on 26.01.2012.

  2. bravoblack says:

    Please stop SOPA and ACTA, google and wikipedia did, why we do not speak out-Greenzoner?

  3. Vlad says: this shit they are crazy

  4. Darkamx says:

    For me as a very interesting article, and an important issue addressed in the text

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