“Best Of” contest starting on Monday!

August 8th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners! The big contest is finally about to be launched! Are you prepared? 🙂


The Best Of contest will start on Monday gzDay 803 and contestants will fight for a great prizes – iPod Touch 4G 8GB and other awards!
Be ready, refresh your skills in gzDefender, recharge your keyboards and fix your armchairs. 😉


Important information for users who are not on “Best of Contest” participants list:
If you would like to partake, you need to invite to Greenzoner.com (really invite with account activation) new 10 users, from tomorrow until Sunday, to get into the Best of Contest participants list.


Good luck!!!

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12 Responses to ““Best Of” contest starting on Monday!”

  1. Timka says:

    Good news 🙂

  2. Ayoub-EH says:

    ah so Gread idea and i’m ready !thank’s greenzoner for this offer

  3. A_D_E_P_T says:


  4. Regsito0o says:


  5. Vlad says:

    Это можно выйграть в GzDefender… lol

  6. mohieddine says:

    i am sorry i cant bad idea . who can do this please tell us

  7. niro2012 says:

    hi it good what u said

  8. Алексей says:

    Нет это опять будет gzdefender НАДОЕЛО!

  9. Feliphe says:

    try to participate and hopefully win if it was not good

  10. strikey says:

    кто больше бабок в игру вложет-тот и выиграет,че не понятного то

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