Archive for May, 2012

Hello Greenzoners, as we know, actions preserving our environment should be taken. 😉
In Africa is going to be created the biggest preservation park in the world, called The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area… or shortly, juz KAZA.
It will contain 36 (!) national parks, many wildlife and tourism area.


Hello Greenzoners! 😀
Second Week Contest is just finished. Thanks to all the contestants!
Today at 14 third Week Contest has just started and it will end in 7 days.

Good luck and we wish you a high score. 😀  And remember – the list of participants of Best Of contest isn’t full yet – so if you will get good score, you can be taken into the contest and fight for iPod Touch 4G 8GB! 🙂

Dear Greenzoners! Judging by the most of the answers to the last question, most of you prefer bicycle as a non-polluting mean of transport. 🙂 But have you heard about the newest project of ecologic bicycle? (more…)

Hello Greenzoners! Look what we have found on the web! 😉
