gzTime has been amended!

June 17th, 2010

gzTime has been amended!

We are pleased to inform (and calm down) all GreenZoner users that Pit has fixed the issue related to gzTime, and currently the same time is being shown for all users regardless the time zone.

We also would like to say big Thank You to GreenZoners who have turned our attention to this problem.
Now you can fully focus on awaiting for today’s competition where the prize is Sony PlayStation3 Slim!!!

Green Luck!

30 Responses to “gzTime has been amended!”

  1. Radek says:

    me too :/

  2. Nenad says:

    looks like you are not the only one… i have local time too..

  3. Nenad says:

    sorry, my local time it just like the time here. Then is timezone from Europe time +1h?

  4. lukas336 says:

    hola a mi me muestra mal la hora

  5. Arturs says:

    Shows 1+ hour to me…
    anyone else the same?

  6. MZZRRT says:

    What the..

    732 days!?!?! crazy

  7. AIIex says:

    Why they don’t respond at my emails ? ??????

  8. Kafai says:

    gzDay 16
    gztime 11:21 Pm

  9. Carlos says:

    WTF?? ya hay ganador??

    pero que onda, ayer vi la hora en la noche y eran las 11 PM en la pagina, por lo cual iva a logearme a esa hora para el premio, y ahora veo la hora ne la pagina y son las 11 pm D:


  10. mhick says:

    why the gzday that shows here in my page is 16 and the gztime is 05:30 pm, instead of gzday 18 and gztime is 11:35pm

  11. Nenad says:

    my local time is 6pm and 36min. just like the gztime =)

  12. Manu says:

    oh, I think it’s better that way.

  13. Roleksassss says:


  14. taggeral7oob says:

    Just I have now 242 EEP

  15. salb-alroo7 says:

    Just I have now 202 EEP

  16. Marcio says:

    wow ahora sólo espero

  17. Ricardo says:

    Okas thanks for info

  18. JsCL97 says:

    Okey, it’s right in some countrys but in my country show a diferent hour. It’s Okey?

    Sorry for my Bad English.

  19. Ciprian says:

    YAAY, i am new here and i have no ideea what i am doing.

  20. Thiago says:

    Arruma isso ae

  21. Thiago says:

    Uma ideia e coloca tantas Horas ai, e fica decrescendo ate a hora certa , ai ninguem fica no prejuizo

  22. GRZEGORZ says:

    U mnie jest czas lokalny

  23. L30N4RD0 says:

    gzTime foi alterada!

    Temos o prazer de informar (e acalmar) todos os usuários que GreenZoner Pit fixou a questão relacionada com gzTime e, atualmente, ao mesmo tempo, está sendo mostrado para todos os utilizadores, independentemente do fuso horário.

    Também gostaria de dizer grande obrigado a GreenZoners que voltamos nossa atenção para este problema.
    Agora você pode focar totalmente espera para a competição de hoje, onde o prêmio é Slim Sony PlayStation3!

    Sorte Verde!

    Traduzida para Portugues

  24. Juan says:

    Que buena página evocada hacia la protección y difución de una cultura protectora del medio ambiente.

  25. victor says:

    muitooo bommm

  26. fabricio says:

    como faço para ganhar mais pontos?

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