Helpful tips for the safety of Antarctica

June 23rd, 2014

Hi Greenzoners! Antarctica is one of the most popular places, because every year here over 40,000 persons are arriving from the entire world. Did you know about it?


It’s really very much of visitors here and kind of their activity transferred itself into action serving environment and areas which they have endangered protection then certainly after  time their safety would grow. Above all it’s a big thing in order to impel is essential frequenting the low gauge of ice for caring for areas which they have. If the indicator is lower all the greater threats, therefore making aware oneself of harmful results is so important. So creating other areas for insects and plants which won’t be threatening places about the low gauge of ice will be the best way. Moreover to the fight against this phenomenon unceasing making aware of people is the second way about this problem so that keep them were out of order to the damage for environment.

In this way animals and plants will certainly have ensured not only better conditions for the development, but will become safe, immune to threats.

More info is here:

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One Response to “Helpful tips for the safety of Antarctica”

  1. […] which are threatening the Mother Nature, people, plants and animals worldwide. Do you remember the recent our article about Antarctica problems? Click here.Do you know how a lot you can […]

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