It is cleaning time in gzWorld so, if you left some rubbish, read it!

June 24th, 2010

Pit found that some users have been creating fake accounts to get additional EEP.

We take this as an infringement of the gzWorld ecosystem, besides this we do not accept energy wasting!

That’s why in next 10 gzDays, all GreenZoners who created fake accounts:

  • will lost EEP that they collected for those accounts
  • will lost access to fake accounts
  • will receive an written warning  from Pit about ecosystem infringement: if it happen again, user will be deleted and IP will be blocked for 30 gzDays

We do not accept any one who will break gzWorld ecosystem rules, because eco is not only about greenness it is also about honesty against others GreenZoners.

! All who  do  not have any fake account will get 50 EEP and 5 additional invitations!:-)

Honesty is the best policy 🙂

Keep Green! Pit The First

64 Responses to “It is cleaning time in gzWorld so, if you left some rubbish, read it!”

  1. Tutu says:

    Cool. Shouldn’t it be lose though. Just saying.

  2. Dee-Age says:

    That’s cool! I haven’t make fake accounts!

  3. Zeus says:

    OMG thats awesome that u take some actions on fake acc. Have u also looked after the winner’s of the prizes?

  4. Mierd2 says:

    Guess I’ll be getting 50 EEP.

  5. Daniel says:

    prizesssss 😀

  6. Ciberth says:

    Cool tis is a great way to thank us 🙂

  7. Zeus says:

    But i was wondering when we will get it 😀 I really dont wanna wait next 10 days :/

  8. Felipe says:

    with prizes for honest members, they will really think twice before create a fake account….


  9. LinoOdahir says:

    yeah! 50 EEP more 😀

  10. L30N4RD0 says:

    Nós levamos isto como uma violação do ecossistema gzWorld, além disso, não aceitamos o desperdício de energia!

    É por isso que nos próximos 10 gzDays, todos GreenZoners que criaram contas falsas:

    * Será perdido EEP que recolhidos para as contas
    * Irá perder o acesso às contas fake
    * Receberá uma advertência por escrito de Pit sobre infracção ecossistema: se isso acontecer novamente, o usuário será excluído e IP serão bloqueados por 30 gzDays

    Nós não aceitamos qualquer um que vai quebrar as regras gzWorld ecossistema, porque eco não é só verdura, é também sobre a honestidade contra GreenZoners outros.

    ! Todos os que não têm qualquer conta fake vai ficar 50 EEP e 5 convites adicionais 🙂

    Honestidade é a melhor política 🙂

    Mantenha Verde! O primeiro Pit

    Traduzido para Portugues

  11. Niagoz says:

    Yay! Honesty! 🙂

  12. Ale says:

    50 EEP and 5 invitation additional, sound GREAT 😀

  13. ViniSw says:


  14. losbkov7 says:

    nice nice!

  15. neo says:

    aaahhhhsum man !!!!!!!

  16. khanuto says:

    cleaning TIME.. 🙂

  17. Eyf says:

    Отличная идея и правильных. Нет обману.

  18. Yashiro says:

    WOW realy realy awsome

  19. Yura says:

    I did not make fakie, but I did not get an additional 50 EEP and 5 invitations.

  20. Stani says:

    You my fellow page administrators are awesome.

    Stay legen- wait for it, keep on waiting -dary.

  21. Bob says:

    yesssssssssssss 5 more invites!!! and 50 eep aweeesommmee!!!!!!

  22. Lucas Alvaredo says:

    honesty first, 5 invities + 50 EEP

  23. Moon says:

    Yaaaay Me ^^
    I will have 50 EEP and 5 additional invitations
    Thank u very much 🙂
    It’s Really great idea
    keep it up 😉

  24. Daniel says:

    thank you 😀

  25. Mierd2 says:


  26. Ricardo says:

    Por fin gracias Gz

  27. LohanParma says:

    This is good

  28. andrejs says:

    BEST idea,really cool !

  29. William says:

    “All who do not have any fake account will get 50 EEP and 5 additional invitations!:-)”

    when exactly will I get that

  30. Juan says:

    Asome !!

  31. v1p1r says:

    I am clean…hope they dont find any discrepancies in my account..:)

  32. rafaelteixeira says:

    “All who do not have any fake account will get 50 EEP and 5 additional invitations!:-)”

    when exactly will I get that

  33. momento says:


  34. Marlon says:

    I´m Honesty ^^

  35. victor says:

    All who do not have any fake account will get 50 EEP and 5 additional invitations!:-)

  36. andrejs says:

    I think ,that it could happen after “That’s why in next 10 gzDays, all GreenZoners who created fake accounts”

  37. caio says:

    very good

  38. victor says:

    will lost access to fake accounts..very good

  39. jasn says:

    Que bueno que los tramposos sean castigados de esa forma por lo menos, y por dicha voy a tener 50EEp mas yuhuuuuuu

  40. kamilos93 says:

    When We will get these EEP and invitations xD?

  41. Rob says:

    Finally good job greenzoner

  42. Capitao says:

    But, if my sister want to register? I need use other pc? can i use the same network?

  43. fabricio says:

    that´s good very nice!!!!!

  44. Trevor says:

    I’m slightly worried. I found out about greenzoner off youtube. When all my friends came round, we agreed I would invite them, and they would invite some of their friends. Problem was, they all made new accounts on my one laptop, so the emails and signup and stuff were all on the one IP address. We all also had emails with greenzonerinvite1@etc, then greenzonerinvite2@etc, so all the emails are the same-ish. Does this mean they will call these fake accounts and take my EEP? I have been trying hard to gain EEP fairly and do not approve of cheating. I hope my friends will stick up for me in this. I think the reward for not cheating is a great idea, and i have not cheated with intent, so fingers crossed! 🙂

  45. neko says:

    que bien 50 EEP

    y que mal por los tramposos u.u(se lo merecen)

  46. rafael says:

    Pls translate the web site to Brazilian portuguese ^^

  47. Malou Vargas says:

    …nice idea…I hope everything goes fair and well…

  48. Malou Vargas says:

    nice idea. i hope everything goes well and fair.

  49. Malou Vargas says:

    nice idea. i hope everything goes well and fair.

  50. Malou Vargas says:

    I hope there are other ways to earn EEP…

  51. Tùng says:

    Fine, but i think need function “remove invited friend if my friend don’t want accept”

  52. chadwick says:

    hey what else can i cat for my eep? only ps3?

  53. Rafael Abdala says:

    Cool ! 50 EEP !
    thats really awesome !

  54. Radu says:

    If i wana make translation on my languege how i can do this ?

  55. Starword says:

    When we have 50 eep?

  56. Mati says:

    What counts as fake?

  57. Rexy says:

    What if somehow a brother wants an invite, like I did to my brother? Is that counted as fake account?

  58. gonzalo says:

    si mis amigos aceptan la invitacion y no quieren participar en greenzoner.yo ni loco perderia tiempo aciendo cuentas falsas

  59. Grazina says:

    wow 50eep

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