Posts Tagged ‘weather’

Weather Guessing Contest

May 31st, 2012

Hello Greenzoners! 😀
We have an idea for another little contest for today. 🙂
Your task is to guess , in which country, there was the highest temperature reported by Greenzoner users during the period gzDay 725-730.
Your reward will be 3 additional invitations – the contests lasts till the end of gzDay 730, that is, tomorrow.

Good luck and have a nice spring! 🙂


July 27th, 2011

Breathe in…
Do you know what smells so wonderful? It is fresh and clean air provided by the trees we planted. They grow thanks to you!

BTW Do you know what the number that we started with means? This is the number of days you have been working on the project “Weather” and “GZ Blogs” without our supervision.
You are amazing!
You are the BEST! Your commitment make me believe that the world may be a better place.
Greenzoner society HAS BEEN MAKING world a better place.

Now we summing up activities of yours blogs – stay tuned!
Final showdown is coming!

Loyal greenzoner users will soon be rewarded.

Surprise is so close…