Posts Tagged ‘results’


June 11th, 2013

Hi guys!

Finally, after we went through three Eco Riddles, it is time to launch our next big contest!

iphone 5
WELCOME TO THE GZQUIZ! In this contest you will test your reflex and knowledge concerning ecology.
(CLICK!) (more…)

Hello Greenzoners! We already announced new, incoming contest, in which you could win many great prizes. 😀
But as we said before, you can play only once a week in that contest – but we want to help and give you bigger chance, that’s why we have those GzEcoRiddles!

This time we focus on geothermal energy.
This energy is very clean and has great potential. It’s used more and more widely in countryside areas.

Answer those questions correctly to get better chances in oncoming contest. 😉 (more…)