Archive for November, 2012

New gzPhoto Contestant!

November 15th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners! We have new participant of gzPhoto Contest!
Say hi to Olecika from Moldova 😀 And here are her contest photos:


To see more photos and to vote, go here

Thank you for application, and remember, you still can join and win prizes, such as Greenzoner T-shirt, having your picture on the Greenzoner Fanpage’s timeline and more… 😉

Contest: Invitations give away!

November 13th, 2012

Hi Greenzoners! Are you feeling well? 🙂

We have invitations to give away! If you want to invite some of your friends to Greenzoners, you don’t have to worry about lack of invitations anymore. Just do what we stated here:

For the next four days, starting at gzDay 897 to gzDay 901, log in everyday and report weather. Important: don’t forget to connect Greenzoner with your Facebook, so that it is published on your wall, it’s for us to check. 😉
Every person to do so will receive additional 5  invitations to send to his/her friend. And then, stay tuned, because another contest with inviting friends may come quickly. 🙂

Hi Greenzoners! Remember about voting on gzPhoto Contest – it will end at the end of the month and we will send prizes.

iPod Shuffle

Remember, that you still can join! 😀 Just send us an application that meet all requirements mentioned here

Hi Greenzoners! Any one of you is into astronomy? 😉

A planet that could sustain life was just discovered. It’s called HD 40307G and is located in a “habitable zone” – that is in area, where the planet is not too close or too far from its sun, so that liquid water can exist.


Eco grafitti


Do you know any other interesting street art works? 😉

All of you have probably seen an article about shark attacking humans, a picture showing aggressive shark or at least watched Jaws by Steven Spielberg. ;)|
But are those sharks really that dangerous?


This topic was recently discussed among the ecologists. How many times do we see news about sharks attacking people, and how often do we see articles about preservation of their species?
Statistically, over 60% of coverage and news present sharks in negative image, while only 7% talks about species’ preservation, biology and ecology.

The truth is that sharks are not as dangerous as we portrait them – most human casualties are the reason of sharks feeling threatened or mistaking humans with seals. (more…)

Picture of the day – Étretat

November 6th, 2012

Etretat, France

Étretat, France

By Fabio Nodari

Étretat is an amazing spot of Normandy for landscape photographers.. I was aware that to capture the essence of this spot i had to wake up early in the morning. I spent the day before studying the composition and i decided that a long exposure would have been the best.. I woke up before the sunrise, and a few minutes after, this was the amazing show that i witnessed…

Hello Greenzoners! We already spoke about phytoplankton, sea otters and others. Now let’s talk about something more exotic – orangutans. 🙂
Recently orangutan’s populaion on Sumatra island (south-east Asia) have undergone significant decline. For now there’s only 6,600 individuals left and orangutans are now endangered species. The reason of this reduction is, as it often occured, massive deforestation of tropical areas. (more…)

Hello Greenzoners, I hope you are having good day in which we greet you with new Eco News. 😉

mountain meadow

Mountain meadows are slowly declining and being destroyed in the Northern Pacific areas. Once huge tracts of green grass and  rare, wild flowers, now they are being dominated by spreading trees and other thick and territorialy invasive plant species. The reason behind this is progressing global warming and rising temperature (more…)

Did you know: phytoplankton

November 2nd, 2012

…wondering what is this? 😉


It’s a phytoplankton, a small underwater organism that can absorb the excessive amounts of CO2 in atmosphere.
Because of global warming and rising seas’ temperatures, their population is decreasting.